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The Gates Carbon Belt Drive requires very little maintenance - if any. Basically, the owner needs to keep the belt and sprockets clean and in good condition, as a regular part of the overall bike maintenance. The only issues you may experience are:

* Noisy/Squeaky Drive System - you can simply wash the belt and sprockets with water. Or if the noise continues, lightly spray the belt with silicone spray

* Belt Failure - the new belt needs special attention (read the Manual, Proper Handling), and careful not to reverse bend or impact the belt

* Rohloff Gear Slipping - this is sometimes reported. It is not likely to be the Rohloff Speedhub, but very likely due to no snubber and poor belt tension

* Loud Mechanical Noise -  again, very unlikely to be the Rohloff Speedhub (although it sounds like it is) ,but very likely no snubber and poor belt tension


PLEASE READ THE GATES-ROHLOFF OWNERS MANUAL for proper care and handling of the Gates Belt Drive system



The following points must be addressed and adhered to when mounting the Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14, together with a Gates Carbon Drive system. Failure to adhere to these points will result in partial loss of guarantee and warranty cover for your Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14.



Safe operation of a SPEEDHUB using Gates Carbon Drive system is only possible if the frames rear-triangle can withstand a minimum stiffness level. Frame manufacturers must prove frame stiffness levels on a specialist testing jig in order to receive type approval for SPEEDHUB use. A list of approved frames can be found online at this link. Please enquire with your frame manufacturer directly should you choose a bicycle frame not be listed. Universal Transmissions (Gates Carbon Drive European distribution) are able to issue frame certifications on an individual basis, should you still wish to use that particular frame.


Rohloff insist that a "Gates Snubber" be mounted to the bicycle with all Gates Carbon Belt Drives fitted to a Rohloff Speedhub. A Snubber prevents the belt from lifting over sprocket teeth when belt tension is insufficient. Subsequently this small component greatly reduces the accident risk level. Please ask your local Rohloff Bike Shop if your bicycle is not be fitted with a snubber (see images below with poorly tensioned belt and testing with/without a snubber fitted). Ratcheting (lifting) of the belt over the sprocket teeth can damage the inner carbon structure of the belt. This can cause the belt to break when the bike is being used. If you think that the inner structure of your belt might be damaged, you should immediately replace the belt.


The video below is self-explanatory, showing clearly how a snubber works. In photos far top right and bottom left and middle, you can see the Gates carbon belt climbing up and over the Gates CDX rear sprocket - this is a result of an incorrectly tensioned belt with no snubber. Bottom right image, you can see the snubber fitted (it does not touch the belt during normal operation), it will hold even a poorly tensioned belt in place which prevents both belt damage and injury to the rider when the crank rotates quickly as the belt ratchets over the sprocket teeth. For you information, this Speedhub was returned after 2 experienced Rohloff cyclists assured us that the mechanical noise and slipping of gears was definitely a Rohloff Speedhub problem (it it near impossible to see the belt slip with the naked eye). The Speedhub was returned together with a snubber to be fitted, as there was no Speedhub issue or problem - apart from an poorly tensioned belt. 


If you believe you have a problem oil leak and need this repaired, either under warranty or not, please complete this form (click here) and email this back to PureSports or your local Rohloff bike shop.

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